Explore the magnificent journey of Middle

Thank you for taking the time to virtually visit me. I am very pleased to announce Middle, my debut children's book has arrived! This journey has been reflective, rewarding, and at points challenging, but nevertheless extraordinary. This journey began in 2019 when I took a Literacy Education class. One of my assignments was to construct a free-write on a topic that you considered yourself to be a “master” at. I began dissecting the word master and quickly realized it’s a title you achieve over years of perfecting a trait. I reflected on my 21 years and began pinpointing things I’ve done all my life. My extracurriculars, passions, and habits all crossed my mind, but I couldn’t proudly claim to be a master at any of them. After coming up short with many attempts to find a topic, I started to view something I’ve “mastered” as an identity rather than a trait.  The most prized identity I’ve always held the closest to my heart is being a middle sister. While I’ll never claim to be a master at it, it’s an identity I’ve always had and always will. With time, I’ll continue to work on being the best middle for both of my sisters.